Thursday, 5 July 2007

Happy Hamsters

Our new consignment of baby hamsters have just arrived. As usual all are fit and healthy. They come to us from quite a distance, but they are very well cared for. They come from our supplier in their own van and the container that they travel in is well ventilated with lots of food for their journey. Much better than the accommodation provided for us humans when we travel on public transport.
All the hamsters are examined by us and then we try and sex them. Usually we get this right, but sometimes, just sometimes we make a mistake. Baby hamsters are so tiny. Russian Dwarf hamsters are even more difficult. On top of all the turning upside down to try and inspect their nether regions they squiggle too. Of course they don't enjoy the process and you have to keep an eye on their tiny teeth. Even though they are small they can still give you a nasty nip.
Anyway all are present and correct and are settling into their temporary homes very well. All too soon they will be living in their permanent residences. It is always good to see happy owners taking their new pets home. We make sure that each animal goes to its new owner with lots of details on how to care for it and a leaflet about hamster keeping. These little bundles of fur deserve only the best.