I was just looking at the products that we sell for pets concerning their grooming. Of course we sell brushes, combs, etc. but I didn't realise quite how like a human beauty parlour we are until I took a closer look at the hundreds of products on offer from various manufacturers of pet shampoos and toiletries.
Shampoos alone come in flavours like, pina colada, wild berry, green apple, wild cherry and baby powder scented (for puppies), not to mention tea tree, dry foam, coal tar, evening primrose, blacksatin, insecticidal etc.etc. And these wonderful smelling products aren't just for dogs, they are for other small animals such as ferrets, guinea pigs and cats.
There are the deodorant sprays to keep your pet smelling sweet, the ear cleaning lotion to keep those little ear holes tidy, the eye wipes, the toothpaste, the sweet breath tablets and more and more....
Then you get the actual items that you groom your pet with. There are dematting combs, flea combs, combs for long hair, combs for short hair, shedding combs, wire combs, rubber combs and plastic combs. The brushes too are too numerous to mention but slickers, knot busters, zooms, pins,and grooming gloves are just some of their names. And although we do not stock too many different clipping accessories we still have the traditional scissors and clippers as well as guillotine nails clippers, multicut clippers, nail files, cat claw clippers, thinning scissors, tick pickers, and stripping knives.
If your pet has a skin problem we can help too. Hot itch lotion, mite cream, skin balm, seaweed powder, dry skin oil and tea tree cream. Birds of course are not left out so we sell scaly face cream and plume spray.
I always find paw wax a bit of an interesting product as the wax that I know is the one that Ladies use to wax their legs. But this wax is used to put on dogs paws if they are cracked and damaged. I just have this strange image in my head of a dog sitting in the beauty parlour having his legs waxed!
So when you have been to our Beauty Parlour - Sorry Pet Shop. And purchased your pets beauty treatment, given him a luxurious bath and cut and filed his claws, combed his coat till it gleams and brushed his teeth then you can take him out for his usual walk only to find that because he is looking and smelling so clean and tidy he will find the nearest cow pat and decide to roll in it. Then you will have to take him home and start all over again.