Thursday, 26 July 2007

Busy days

Why is it that although we are open from 8.30am to 5.30pm Mondays to Saturdays and to 4pm on Sundays people want to visit the shop at the very last minute before the doors close? Or even after we have shut? Only last Saturday a Lady came in at 11am in the morning enquiring if we had any guinea pigs? We told her that we had and she said that she would be back. Sure enough back she came , but at 5.30pm. Accompanied by her husband and two children. They then proceeded on the long process of choosing their pet. 'Should we take this one?' 'No-that one is nicer'. Or 'I like that one with the longer hair', 'No - the one with the short coat is best'. This went on and on.
When selling an animal we like to take our time and give the customer as much information about their new pet as is possible. We also like to say goodbye to it so all in all this can take quite a while. But this was stretched to the limit last Saturday. I think customers think that we love animals so much we sleep at the shop with them too. Anyway the guinea pig went to a nice home in the end and myself and the rest of the staff left sometime later. - (The shop has to be clean and tidy ready for the next day.) We were all really tired as it had been a long hard day and when my staff go home they all also go home to various pets who all need cleaning, walking and feeding too. So work really does not stop at the shop door.
Anyway I eventually arrived home and after tea settled down to put my tired feet up only to hear the telephone ring. It was someone who had just arrived in the area for their holidays and they had brought their dog with them, but had forgotten his favourite food, and it was the only one he would eat! Two hours after leaving the shop I was down there again.
Good job that the burglar alarm didn't go off that night too. A call out in the middle of the night would have been the last straw.