I just don't know where the time goes to these days. I guess I have just been busy. - What with Easter and all. Although everyone else seems to have a few days off we still keep plodding on. The shop is open all over the Easter period and the animals have to be cared for so the staff are are all working. Never mind though. We were kept busy.
One of our funniest incidents was a man standing beside our bank of fish tanks which were nearly overflowing with hundreds of fish when he turned to one of our assistants and said -'do you sell fish?' Trying to hold back a look of amazement the assistant spread her arms out wide and said 'are these what you are looking for?' His girlfriend then proceeded to tell him in front of the whole shop what a twit he was and how dumb he had looked. Exit a very sheepish man being heavily chastised by his rather loud mouthed girlfriend!
Spring is always a nice time in the shop as young animals and birds are arriving. We have just got some lovely Lionhead rabbits. About 8 weeks old, cute and fluffy. I keep trying to remember to take a photo of them so that I can put a picture of them on my desk at home. Some folks have photos of their families and friends - I have photos of my animals - I guess they are family and friends too. They have come from an accidental breeder. Two of her rabbits had had a bit of a jolly time and a few weeks later she had 5 more rabbits. Her children had really enjoyed all the maternity bit and now because she cannot keep them all she has come to me. These rabbits are idea. They will make great pets. They have been handled by the breeders children and are very tame. We now just have to find some loving families that will care for each one of them and enjoy them as much as their previous owners. I don't think that will be a big problem. We have quite a few customers waiting for such lovely creatures.
Yesterday I arrived back at the shop with 5 tortoises. (I like to collect and look at animals myself before buying them). We have three Hermanns and two Leopard. They are all lovely. Quite small but feeding well. They look at you with their beady eyes and if not too frightened will also look around for an odd piece of cabbage whilst you are holding them aloft. I am sure they are quite intelligent as they seem to get to know humans that are around them quite quickly. Today we will give them a bath and then polish their shells with a little olive oil. Then they will really look smart. They come with all the correct documentation and full feeding, heating and humidity instructions. They are not cheep, but again will make someone who enjoys tortoises really good pets. We will however have a long road ahead before we can sell them as the prospective owners need to be told all about their requirements and how they will need a heated vivarium and UV light etc.
So I guess I had better get to work instead of sitting infront of my computer writing this blog.
Totoises need polishing and fish need counting.