Thursday, 15 March 2007

A week away

Back to work today. Have been on holiday in Spain for a week. A lovely relaxing break but I am always taking note of pets or animals around me. Lots of people keep dogs as pets in Spain and from what I can tell many of our four legged friends seem to enjoy life in the sunshine. It must be great to be a dog in the great outdoors. Living a life in warm sunshine, yapping at distant canine pals sitting on various rooftops around you and lazily chasing the odd scowling cat. Although I guess they both can have it tough when the weather gets too hot. Now I know that the Spanish have a bad reputation when it comes to animal keeping, and I guess things can always be improved, but they are getting there. There seems to be lots of Pet shops and Grooming parlours springing up and that can't be a bad thing. Most of the dogs seem well looked after and better behaved than ours although I do think that the Spanish need to learn how to use poop scoops. Cats on the other hand often look rather down at heel and in need of some T.L.C. There seems to be a big push to get cats neutered and that can only help.
The Spanish do love their cage birds and often when walking through a town or village you can spot cages with singing birds placed on balconies. The sound of their songs echoes down narrow streets as it must have done hundreds of years ago. Then there are the monk parakeets that fly free in lots of urban areas. A flash of green and then six or ten birds do some acrobatic maneuvers over your head whilst chattering like squealing school children. They live in the date palms and pinch other fruit from trees when they can. I think at one time they were captive birds, and now live and breed freely in the Spanish sun.
But the big the highlight of my holiday was seeing an Eagle, and then on the same day a beautiful Kingfisher. Two amazing birds on the same day. Not bad when all we had done was go out for a quick walk. A guess you see things when you least expect them.
Anyway back to the shop today and lots and lots of paperwork. I didn't really get much time to inspect the livestock, but everything seems to be in order. Our Parrot seemed very pleased to see me and came up to me and said a very cheeky 'Hello', and 'What ya doing?' I think he thinks I shouldn't have been away. I kept in touch with the day to day happenings by phone, so no real suprises. So onwards with my paperwork and then maybe tomorrow I can get back to the animals which I much prefere.